Code of Conduct

Central Methodist University (the "University") hereby adopts the following Code of Conduct to ensure that no improprieties or conflicts, whether actual, potential, or perceived, arise in connection with student loans or preferred lender designations and to reaffirm its commitment to serving the needs of its students and their parents.


1. No officer, trustee, director, employee, or agent of the University shall accept anything of more than nominal value on his or her own behalf or on behalf of another from or on behalf of a Lending Institution, 但本规定不得解释为禁止任何官员, trustee, director, employee, or agent of the University from conducting (i) non-University business with any Lending Institution; or (ii) University business unrelated to education loans. 在前一句和整个行为准则中使用, 贷款机构的定义为:

(a)任何本身或通过附属公司从事向学生提供贷款业务的实体, parents or others for purposes of financing higher education expenses or that securitizes such loans; or



(c)任何行业, 贸易或专业协会, 在合理调查后,尽大学所知, 从上述第(a)和(b)款中所述的任何实体收取款项.

2. Nothing in this provision or throughout the Code of Conduct shall prevent the University from holding membership in any nonprofit professional association.

3. 第1款规定的禁令应包括, 但不限于, 禁止贷款机构向大学雇员支付或偿还任何住宿费用, meals, or travel to conferences or training seminars unless such payment or reimbursement is related solely to non-University business or University business unrelated to education loans.


4. 大学应禁止其任何官员, trustees, directors, employees, 或代理人不得因担任贷款机构的顾问委员会成员或参与顾问委员会而收取任何报酬, 或因提供服务而获得任何费用补偿, provided, however, that participation on advisory boards that are unrelated in any way to higher education loans shall not be prohibited by the Code of


5. The University shall not accept on its own behalf anything of value from any Lending Institution in exchange for any advantage or consideration provided to the Lending Institution related to its education loan activity. 这一禁令应包括, 但不限于, (i) "revenue sharing" by a Lending Institution with the University, (ii) the University's receipt from any Lending Institution of any computer hardware for which the University pays below-market prices and (iii) printing costs or services paid directly on behalf of the University. 尽管本款另有规定, 大学可以接受34 CFR 682所规定的援助.200(b)(“出借人”的定义)(S)(i).


6. In the event that the University promulgates a list of preferred or recommended lenders or similar ranking or designation ("Preferred Lender List"), then

(a)每一本小册子, web page or other document that sets forth a Preferred Lender List must clearly disclose the process by which the University selected lenders for said Preferred Lender List, including but not limited to the criteria used in compiling said list and the relative importance of those criteria; and

(b)每一本小册子, web page or other document that sets forth a Preferred Lender List or identifies any lender as being on such Preferred lender List shall state in the same font and same manner as the predominant text of the document that students and their parents have the right and ability to select the education loan provider of their choice, 是否不需要使用优先贷款机构名单上的任何贷款机构, 并且不会因选择不在首选贷方名单上的贷方而受到处罚.

(c) The University's decision to include a Lending Institution on any such list and the University's decision as to where on the list the Lending Institution's name appears shall be determined without regard to the pecuniary interests of the University;



(f) No Lending Institution shall be placed on any Preferred Lender List unless such lender provides assurance to the University and to student and parent borrowers who receive loans from such Lending Institution that the advertised benefits upon repayment will continue to inure to the benefit of student and parent borrowers regardless of whether the Lending Institution's loan are sold;

(g)没有贷款机构, 在合理调查后,尽大学所知, has an agreement to sell its loans to another unaffiliated Lending Institution shall be included on any Preferred Lender List unless such agreement is disclosed therein in the same font and same manner as the predominant text on the document in which the Preferred Lender List appears;

(h) The University shall not place any Lending Institution on any Preferred Lender List or in favored placement on any Preferred Lender List for a particular type of loan, in exchange for benefits provided to the University or to the University's students in connection with a different type of loan unless such benefits are fully disclosed on the Preferred Lender List.


7. The University shall ensure that no employee or other agent of a Lending Institution is ever identified to students or prospective students of the University or their parents as an employee or agent of the University. 任何贷款机构的雇员或其他代理人不得在任何时候进入大学的财务援助办公室, except that a Lending Institution may assist the University in informing students about educational loans and other aspects of financial aid, 如果任何雇员或其他代理与贷款机构的关系被披露.


8. The University shall not link or otherwise direct potential borrowers to any electronic Master Promissory Notes or other loan agreements that do not allow students to enter the lender code or name for any lender offering the relevant loan.


9. 如果大学参加了“学校作为贷款人”计划,在20u.S.C. § 1085(d)(l)(E), 大学应遵循本行为准则, as applicable, 在学校的管理中作为贷款人贷款.


10. As used herein, “覆盖池,机会基金,而“机会贷款”指的是任何协议, understanding or practice in which a lender applies more lenient loan underwriting criteria than it otherwise would to a certain class of loan applicants if the University meets certain milestones or metrics with respect to other loans with that lender, 例如已启动或生效的贷款数量, 或者这些贷款的金额, 或者贷款人与学校同意借钱给联邦家庭教育贷款计划(FFELP)以外的学生。, 在大学的指导下, in exchange for the University's withdrawing from the federal direct loan program and/or marketing the lender's separate FFELP loans to students.

11. 大学不得安排贷款机构参与任何覆盖池, 机会基金, 或者机会贷款, 如上所定义, 如果参与该计划对任何其他借款人造成损害.

12. 大学不会通过奖励包装或任何其他方法将首次借款人引导到任何特定贷方, 比如广告, promotion, 或在大学网站上公布, through email, 或者其他方法.

13. 大学不会因借款人选择贷款机构而延误或拒绝发放贷款.

14. 大学禁止利益冲突,因为它们与第四章学生贷款的授予和支付有关. 任何与学生有关的人不得向该学生发放或支付学生贷款.